
About Dear Bex

This is my place to speak to my daughter. She won't remember these early days in her life, and I want to make sure that I do! Plus, there's just so much I want to say to her and be sure she knows.

August 16, 2011

Dear Bex...

Here we go!

All I've wanted to do since you were born is talk to you and have you remember everything I say. This blog will serve that purpose - save all of my wisdom, advice, jokes and memories for you for posterity.

In the beginning I'm going to look back on the past almost seven months and tell you all I remember.  It was a rough start for us, Little Girl, and a hell of a roller coaster that thankfully you won't remember, and thankfully I will.  I say thankfully, because being at such a low point myself has given me such an amazing thankfulness for where I've ended up.  We're both on such a great track now and I can't wait to see where we are headed.

I love you baby girl!


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